Going Solo
There are time when travel is necessary — or just better — unaccompanied. You can do this.
At Trips by Greg, we’re big believers in the idea that travel is best enjoyed when it’s shared with family, friends or that significant other. But there may be times when you need — or just want — to go by yourself.
There may be scheduling conflicts. You may have your travel funds ready, but your travel partner doesn’t. Illness or emergencies may force a change of plans.
Sometimes, it’s a question of differing styles. You may want to backpack across Europe, but your travel partners are hostile toward hostels. Or they want to cruise and you’re not feeling that.
Or there may be times when you just need — or want — to be by yourself for awhile.
Lots of people, men and women alike, travel solo all over the world. They do it efficiently. They do it safely. And they have the times of their lives.
There are advantages to solo travel. No arguments over what to do or where to go or how long to stay. No disputes over shared bathrooms or shared expenses, the latter being one of the surest ways to kill a trip — or a friendship.
If you’re an extrovert who likes to “turn up” when you travel, no feeling resentful at dragging a less dynamic personality around with you. If you’re an introvert, no feeling bullied by the one who wants to be in the club every night.
And either way. no consequences to you from a travel partner who does something unexpected and inappropriate at the wrong place or the wrong time.
The only personality you have to take onto account is your own.
Until relatively recently, the travel industry made things tougher for you if you were going on your own, especially when it came to price.
The cost of everything from tours to hotel rooms to cruise cabins always seemed to be based on couples. Singles invariably paid more.
Among travelers, few words are more hated than “single supplement.”
While all that hasn’t gone away completely, the industry is trying to take solo travel more into account. Newer cruise ships are offering cabins for single passengers, and hotels are starting to follow suit. The playing field still isn’t level, but the tilt against the solo vacationer is no longer quite as steep as in years past.
Even as a solo traveler, you have options. You can join group tours, retaining all the advantages of solo travel, without being entirely alone. You can hire private guides or drivers to get you around and give you local insights into your destination city or country, again without feeling you’re completely on your own.
Or you can equip yourself with the tools and knowledge you need to go totally solo, and have a blast doing it.
A travel advisor can help you with all of that, designing a vacation that suits both your budget and your style. One that will leave you feeling safe and confidant from departure to return.
And one that may have your friends saying, “Wow! Can I go with you next time?”
The answer to that question will be entirely up to you.